Gravestone Cleaning in Winchendon, MA

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Gravestone Cleaning in Winchendon, MA


Winchendon History & Cultural Center is offering gravestone cleaning!

For a donation of $50 per stone, we will clean a grave marker located anywhere in Winchendon. It can be a family stone, or you may choose to sponsor the cleaning of a stone in need.

Stones will be cleaned with a biological cleaner called D2. (You can find more information here.) It is safe for gravestones and after the initial cleaning, it continues to work. You will see improvement over time, more noticeably on light colored stones. D2 will also help to decrease the continued growth of lichen and moss.

Photos will be provided to you before and after cleaning.

Cleanings will be done on a first come first, served basis.

Donations will go in full to the Winchendon History & Cultural Center.

$50 donation per stone

Once your order is received, you will be contacted via text message.

For any questions, please email Amy at

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